Thursday 8 August 2013

August 5, 2013 ... to Beaver Harbour. ... Eastern Shore and Aug. 6, 2013 - Owl Head Harbour, anchoring

"Sweet Breeze" left about 3/4 hour before us .. looks calm on the river waters, and it is !!

we are trying to figure out what the suds on the water are?   does any one know??

about 1/2 hour out of the 7 mile river we got socked in on fog ... we decided to back track and anchor, thank goodness the river is full of mud and the holding is good ... the  deck, Joe's jacket and his hands black with mud   .. the fog lifted and we ventured out  again  ..

we went from bouy to bouy ... in the fog , but calm seas !!!!!

we know now that we like fog better than the SW winds on the 
Easter Shore of Nova Scotia ... later on that !!!  ...if you have radar and chart plotter you can continue !!

7 and half hours later we arrive in Beaver Harbour , the recommended anchorage is full of private mooring balls, and no room to swing ..

we did a tour and went to another anchorage in the guides and the wind was so fierce from the SW,  it was not good to stay there .. an abandoned  boat, hey like in our area.  we motored back to the two fishing boats and did our Lake Superior experience , find the lee shore and anchor !!!

7.25 hours .. 33 km

while here, we heard lots of thunder and clouds bellowing, we understand that New Brunswick had hail that stopped cars on the road ... must of been the same storm

this area had lots of Blue Herons, Hawks, Seals, Bald Eagles, 

off the hook at 6:15am  

this area is noted for lots of Kelp, and I guess that is what held us firm last night !!

we thought the day would be good, it was calling for high seas, at noon, so we left at 6am to get a head way ... the seas built to 10 ft. and on the nose, and not enough wind to keep the main from flapping ....
early mornings and rough seas is hard on me .. I am actually holding on to the cleat , and I slept for a minute or two . there is no way that  I could going below to sleep.

it is impossible to see by these next pictures, but you have to be off shore by miles and miles to pass the shoals, and reefs and rocks ...

these breakers, in calm waters ... made me want to stay away even further ..

6 hours  and 20km ...

this rock to the left is visible at low tide .. at high tide only a small stick is visible  .. Mariner beware !!

Owl Head Harbour

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