Monday 30 July 2012

wording for pictures July 23/12

- it took 1/2 hour to get back on to the shipping channel
- at Valleyfield Bridge we circles 1/2 dozen times , and read all of the 3 booklets on passing thru this bridge .... only one of them said call on VHF to ask to open bridge ... at 2-3 knots you have to pay attention ... the operator opened after our call .....
- bridge opening
- a tug was pushing a tub
- St. Louis Bridge - he opened as we approached but did not give us the 4 green lights to come thru, .. 5 min passed and we thought he forgot to push the green light to go ...  after our 12th time circling in front of L/A light we saw a freighter coming up river,   oh boy ...  after the freighter finally passed thru, maybe another 15 min passed, the green lights still did not come on or us, so we circled a few more times ....  the bridge operator said over loud speaker for us to pass thru  ... lights not working
- 8 miles down river we got to the Beauharois upper and lower locks ... they where to open at 10am,
(we arrived just before 10), but a display board said that they would not open until noon ... another 2 hours with out shade and wind ... another sailboat arrived on a delivery from Lake Superior to Shediac Bay, New Brunswick
- men working in a cage, near the top of the bridge
- Lock Beauharois upper
- no zebra mussels here, the freighters wipe it clean each time they pass ... the lines that are given to us to hold the boat in place for our drop
- our pass, for these 2 locks ... Joe paid $50.00 for the locks   $25./each and $30 each for american locks
- it was so hot and humid in the locks
- entering Lachine Pleasure Yacht Club Harbout
- we cut our day short because of a warning from Montreal Coast Guard .. but the sky is clear !!!
- thank goodness we listened to the warnings, as there is no safe anchorage our of the canal from here to Montreal
- at 5:30 the storm hit with rage ... the wind was so strong it threaded our French flag ,, and tossed us back and forth at dock
- looking out of the safe harbour, we could not see anything for the driving rain and wind
- we wondered where our friends where "Redhead"  Nancy and Ed ... they headed back up the river

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